Masjed Soleiman

  • Introducing the plan
  • Basic Information
  • Technical Information

In this section the project is introduced in form of following items:

  • Targets
  • History and background
  • Location and general layout
  • River specifications
  • Specifications of catchmnet area
  • Dam location
  • Features







  • Increasing the hydroelectric energy generation of the country to annually 3700 million kw/hTargets 
  • Preparing a winter excursion area and attracting tourists for amusement, visiting dam and water sports
  • Job-creating in time of construction and operation
  • Providing a part of the network power in peak load
  • Regulation of Karun River water

History and background

The preliminary studies about Karun catchmnet area was done by consulting engineer Corporation of Harza about fifty years ago. Feasibility studies of Masjed Soleiman dam was carried out and construction of current dam with the name of Karun 4 was recommended in an area with the name of Godarelandar. After Islamic revolution, Mahab Quads consulting engineers, with cooperation of Akers Corporation of Canada carried out some studies about the dam. Finally during the period of 1981-1986 Mashanir consulting engineers with cooperation of Lamayer Company from Germany completed the studies and proposed the current axis of Masjed Soleiman dam as the final axis.History & background of the project

The construction of water diversion system was started in 1991 and finished at the end of 1994. 19th July of 1995 the river was diverted into diversion tunnels. At the end of fall 1995, with completion of the upstream cofferdam, the construction of the dam was started in a dry area. After this process, equipping the site was started together with complementary studies about quarries. Then excavation and strengthening dam foundation began. The main part of the construction ended in 2000 and dam refilling with water was made possible in December 2000. Construction of hydraulic steel structure began in 1996 and completed according to the plan in 2001. Since fall of 1996 manufacturing of equipments of main powerhouse and switchyard began. After installation of the equipments of four units of the powerhouse, the tentative operation of the units successfully ended in October & February 2002 and July & November 2003.

Civil works of the development project began in the end of 1998 and after completion of excavation activities in October 2003, now concrete placement of water channels and powerhouse cavern has ended. Installation the hydro-mechanical equipment has begun in June 2003 and installation of turbine equipment has also begun in October 2003. It is predicted that tentative operation of the second 1000 megawatts is expected to finish in 2007.

Location and general layout

This project is located in Khuzestan in 160 kilometer north-east of Ahvaz and 25.5 kilometer north-east of Masjed Soleiman city.  Masjed Soleiman dam is located on Karun River in 26 kilometer downstream of Shahid Abbaspour dam (Karun 1).

River specifications

Karun river is the most watery and the longest river of Iran after Karkhe. Length of Karun River is 950 kilometer and its direction is generally north-west/south-east. This river is originated from Zagros moutains in Gotvand zone and enters into Khuzestan plain. The important branch of Karun is Dez River which is connected to Karun in north of Ahvaz. Karun River at the border of Iran and Iraq is connected to the Arvand River and heads toward Persian Gulf. Considering water discharge, this River is the greatest river of Iran.

Specifications of catchmnet area

Catchment area of Karun River is about 60000 square Kilometer. The annual long-term average discharge of Karun River at the site of dam is estimated about 362 m3/s. According to the carried out calculations, 1000-year-flood this area is about 11400 m3/s and the probable maximum flood is about 21700 m3/s.

Dam location

As it is shown in the following picture, Masjed Soleiman dam is constructed on Karun River, 26 kilometer downstream of the Karun 1 dam.


One of the highest rock-fill dams of Iran with the height of 177 meter from the foundation
Attraction the foreign capitals and use of low-interest loan of JBIC institute of Japan
Having the greatest spillway in country with the discharge capacity of 21700 m3/s
Using the most advanced technologies in power industry


In this section the project basic information is presented in form of following items:
  • Topography
  • Meteorology
  • Hydrology
  • Flood
  • Water quality
  • Sedimentation
  • Planning the water resources
  • Geology
  • Seismicity
  • Dam reservoir


This project is located in mountainous area of Zagros with geographical coordinates of average height of 625 meter. Standard deviation of height model of the region is equal to 531 which show high “ups and downs” of the dam structured area and altitudinal parameter increase in direction of north-east.


Average annual temperature near the dam structure is about 25.5˚C. Monthly & annually thermal gradient shows that alternation of temperature is 0.9˚C for each 100 meters. The surrounding meteorology stations are evaporation measuring stations of Lali, Shahid Abbaspour dam, Sousan, Izeh, Godarlandarand barangard and also Masjed Soleiman and Izeh Nisoptic stations. Considering the studies, these stations’ reports are relatively accurate, but there are some statistical problems.
The most humid months of the year are December and January and the most arid months are June, July and August, when the average percentage of humidity is about 26% and the maximum average of humidity is 74% in January that might go up to 84%. The rainiest months of the year are December, January, February, March and the most arid months are June, July and August.
Rainfall amount in spring is 8 & 9%, in summer 5 &0%, and in fall and winter 2, 29, 5 and 60%. Region climate is semi-arid in lower altitudes and it is Mediterranean in higher altitudes.


Masjed Soleiman dam has two general middle and upstream region. The middle area is about 2005 square kilometer and the upstream area is about 27548 square kilometer.
Concentration time for Masjed Soleiman dam is 10 hours. Water measuring stations around the dam are Pol Shaloo, Karun 1 and Gatvand.


According to discharge studies, the discharge peak for Masjed Soleiman dam in periods of 50, 100, 1000 and 10000 years are equal to 6000, 6800, 9300 and 11400 m3/s. Also PMF discharge is equal to 21700.



Water quality

Masjed Soleiman reservoir ware is generally used for power generation and a little portion of it is transferred to the pumping station of Masjed Soleiman city.
Water quality is reported to be suitable for drinking after physical filtration process.
It is obvious that reservoir water is also suitable for agricultural purposes due to its component.


The sources of Sedimentation entrance to the dam reservoir are Shour and Marghab Rivers, Karun 1 dam and minor waterways between the area of Masjed Soleiman and Karun 1 dams. Totally in the carried out studies the sedimentation volume of Masjed Soleiman reservoir is estimated to be 10 × 4.13 tone/year.



Planning the water resources

There is no data for this issue.


Masjed Soleiman project is situated in a few hundred meters upstream of Karun River valley entrance. The entrance of this valley consists of layers of “brown to red” stones with gypsum grains, which belong to the Aghajary Sazand and some sandstone and tiny grains of Conglomerate.
In this area, layers have gradient in direction of upstream. The more we go toward the upstream, the thicker limestone conglomerates dominate inter-layers of stone-sediments, which increase with the increasing of sea level and form the basis of Bakhtiari Sazand.
Bakhtyari Sazand in its higher parts generally consists of very big pieces of conglomerate. In dam structure, Bakhtyary Sazand can be divided into 10 smaller stone units. Among these units three of them are stone-sediments and the rest are conglomerate.
Stones of both Bakhtiari and Aghajari Sazands, in the dam structure, consist of 40% conglomerate, 20% sands and 40% stone-sediments with thick layers or without any layer. Banks of valley consist of thick materials and down-flow stones with large conglomerate pieces. Sandy alluvium has sedimented in right bank of the river and in down-stream of powerhouse. There, an old route of the river is filled with sands up to 50 meters above the river level. Generally stone layers are only having slight crevices, but because of tension phenomena, most of the crevices have changed into the wide ones.


Seismicity activity in Zagros region typically consists of small earthquakes at the surface level.
Generally there is no trace of great faults at the land level. So the main existing faults in the studied area for this project are either the inverted faults or they have important pressure part. It should be remembered that superficial faulting generally has no direct relation to the underground center of the earthquakes.
From analysis of earthquake centers within the studied area, the following results are evident:
6.1% of earthquakes have the focal depths of less than 15 kilometers, about 75% have the focal depth of less than 50 kilometer and 97% have the focal depth of less than 100 kilometer.

Dam reservoir

Masjed Soleiman dam has a reservoir of 261 million m3 volume in normal level. The useful volume is reported to be 239 million m3. The geological structure in dam site consists of clay, sand and conglomerate layers. Existing clay layers and their slope toward the reservoir has caused the suitable sealing of foundation.

In this section the technical information of the project is presented in form of the following items:

  • Dam body
  1. Body specifications
  2. Reservoir specifications
  3. Diversion system
  4. Instrumentation
  5. Spillway
  6. Quarries and their specifications
  • Powerhouse
  1. General specifications of powerhouse
  2. Specifications of powerhouse equipments
  3. Specifications of powerhouse building
  4. Specifications of powerhouse outlet tunnels
  5. Specifications of powerhouse waterways
  • Technical specifications of post and switchyard
  • Water transfer tunnels
  1. Specifications of tunnels
  2. Intake structures
  3. Outlet structures
  • Access roads and bridges
  • Complementary operations


Body specifications



Dam type

Rock-fill with vertical clay core

Height from foundation

177 m

Crest length

497 m

Crest width

15 m

Foundation width

780 m

Total volume of the body

13.5 million m3

Total volume of concrete placement

Approx. 1 million m3


Embankment volume of main dam

Type of material

Volume (million m3)
















Water sealing specifications

Sealing method

Grouting curtain

Total length of grouting tunnels

1100 m

Total length of grouting

44 km

Depth of grouting curtain

45 to 90 m


Reservoir specifications



Volume of reservoir at normal level

261 million m3

Area of reservoir at normal level

7.49 km

Length of dam lake

27 km

Width of dam lake


Normal level



Diversion system







Tunnel diameter

9 m

Numbers of diversion tunnels


Total open-cut and underground excavation

1.8 million m3

Length of diversion tunnels

1038 and 1171 m

Discharge volume

3000 m/s for 100-year flood

Cross section

Left tunnel


Type and height of upstream cofferdam

Rock-fill with clay core integrated to dam body with the height of 96 m

Right tunnel upstream of bottom outlet


Right tunnel downstream of bottom outlet

U shape

Lining type

Concrete with the thickness of 75 cm

Type and height of downstream cofferdam

Rock-fill with clay core with the height of 38 m

Excavation diameter of tunnel

10.5 m





The controlling system and instrumentation tools of Masjed Soleiman powerhouse is designed as non-centralized in four levels of controlling, including local controlling boards, UCB (Unit Controlling Board), CCR (Central Controlling Room) and dispatching center; in a way that the local controlling has the highest priority and this priority decreases from CCR to UCB and dispatching center. The most common operation level is dispatching center and then there are central controlling room, UCB and local centers. These centers are limited to the special testings, repairs and maintaining.  Through controlling system and with the help of created interfaces between controlling system and several equipments, each units can work on the basis of the following models; Line Charging Mode, Synch-Condenser, Generators, Standby Rolling and Standstill.
Synchronic equipments for each unit are installed in controlling board and the possibility of synchronizing is available from CCR, UCB and dispatching centers.
It is possible to control each powerhouse units individually from dispatching center and at the same time a series of units can also be jointly controlled.
The data servers can record long-term events in powerhouse and the operators can have access to this information through their computers.




Type of spillway

Gated with WES standard crest


Right abutment

Type of gates


Numbers of gates

5 عدد

Width of spillway on crest

13.25 m

Spillway chute


420 m


72.5 m

Discharge volume

21700 m3/s

Stilling basin


USBR standard type I


238 m


72.5 m

Total volume of concrete placement of spillway

540 thousand m3/s


Quarries and their specifications

Four zones were considered for this purpose. In the end, among these four zones Simband quarry was selected, because of the good amount of stones and their suitable qualities. The amount of stones in this area has been estimated to be more than 3 millions m3. The distance of this area to the dam site is 8 km along with the existing public road. For concrete, the required sand is taken from quarries near Shushtar and the deposit of excavated sand of Kooshk quarry.


General specifications of powerhouse



Type of powerhouse



Right abutment


2000 mw

Average annual generation

3700 million kw/h

Turbine type

Francis with vertical axis

Operation level

Minimum critical







Specifications of powerhouse equipments





Numbers of turbine


4 units

Numbers of generator


4 units


4 units


4 units

Power of turbine

254 mw

Type of generators


Maximum output



Output power of each generator

263 mwa



Height of turbine design

140 m

Nominal voltage of each generator

15.75 kv

Discharge design of each unit

190 m3/s

Rotation speed of generator


Turbine manufacturer


Harbin of China and Azarab of Iran

Manufacturer of generator


Elin of Austria and Pars Generator of Iran


Fiot of Austria and Azarab of Iran


GE of Canada and Pars Generator of Iran


Specifications of powerhouse building

1-General specifications of building:

Length of the building

Width of the building

Height of the building

267 m

30 m

49.6 m

2-Powerhouse cavern:




267 m

30 m

49.6 m

Total volume of excavation

316000 m3

Total volume of concrete placement

116000 m3


3-Transformer cavern:




220 m

14 m

23 m

Total volume of excavation

71500 m3

Total volume of concrete placement

17500 m3


Specifications of powerhouse outlet tunnels

In this regard no data exists.


Specifications of powerhouse waterways


In this regard no data exists.




Technical specifications of post and switchyard

Specifications of switchyard and 400 kv transfer lines

Post voltage

400 kv

Arrangement type of post

1.5 key

Numbers of B


Intake numbers

4 lines of 500 mw

Outlet numbers

5 lines

Area of post land

50000 m2

Specifications of 400/132 post

Numbers of transformers


Numbers of feeders of transformers


Power of each transformer

200 mva

Numbers of outlet feeders


Voltage of each outlet feeder

132 kv


Specifications of tunnels

Main Phase

Length of water transfer tunnel

1350 m

Numbers of intake penstocks


Diameter of intake transfer tunnel

9 m

Numbers of outlet penstocks


Diameter of outlet transfer tunnel

11 m

Length of each penstock

50 m

Type of lining

Concrete and metal

Average diameters of penstocks

5.8 m




Development phase

Length of waterway tunnel

1840 m

Length of each penstock

50+72 m

Diameter of intake transfer tunnel

9 m

Average diameters of penstocks

5.8 m

Diameter of outlet transfer tunnel

12 m

Numbers of wave catching containers


Type of lining

Concrete and metal

Type of container

Vertical shaft

Numbers of intake penstocks


Height of container

49 m

Numbers of outlet penstocks


Diameter of container

22.5 m


Intake structures





Numbers of intake




Maximum design discharge

190 m3/s

Valve of intake structure


Design head

29,75 m

Length of valve

8.54 m

Numbers of  valves

2 series of 4

Height of valve

8.54 m


Outlet structures





Numbers of intake




Water filling level

+322 m

Length of valve

13.75 m

Design head

22.3 m

Height of valve

11 m

Numbers of  valves

1 series of 4


Access roads and bridges

1- Technical specifications of access roads

Name of the road

Average width (m)

Length (km)

Payan road



Entrance blvd.




2- Technical specifications of the bridges

Name of the bridge

Width (m)

Length (m)

Type of structure

Naser bridge




Stilling basin bridge





3- Technical specifications of access tunnels

Name of tunnel

Length (m)

Access tunnel of  main phase


Access tunnel of development phase



Complementary operations

In this regard no data exists.

    Post Address

  • Post Address : No.3.BIDAR st. AFRICA junction, MODDARES Exp,Way TEHRAN - Post Code: 19649-13581, IRAN
  • Phone : +98 (21) 27823113
  • Fax : +98 (21) 26213732
  • e-Mail :