
  • Introducing the plan
  • Basic Information
  • Technical Information
In this section the project is introduced in form of following items:
  • Targets
  • History and background
  • Location and general layout
  • River specifications
  • Features


  • Providing balance in power network of the country in high-load and low-load hours
  • Generating hydro-electric energy with a capacity of 1040 MW during peak hours
  • Consumption of electrical power with a capacity of 960 MW during low-load hours
  • Decreasing annual amortization expenses of thermal power for almost 19 million $

History and background

Primarily studies of establishing a pump-storage power plant in Alborz region began with the request from a Belgian consultant. These studies started in form of a cooperation between Iranian and Belgian governments. In 1970 first reports of these studies were submitted to The Ministry of Energy by Traksionel Co.
Preliminary geology operation started in the beginning of 1978 but it came to a halt after the victory of Islamic Revolution.
In 1983, design studies of phase 2 and tender documents preparation began by Moshanir-Lahmeyer J/V, which finished in 1985. Between 1985 and 19992 the complementary studies and detail designs were completed by Moshanir-Lahmeyer J/V and in order to expedite executive operation of some of the project parts such as diversion tunnels of upstream and downstream dams, a part of access tunnels to power house cavern, drainage tunnel of power house and some explosive test were completed. These activities continued till 1992.
All executive operation stopped since 1992 until 2001. The executive operation restarted in 2001 with grouting of diversion tunnels. Technical and economical reviews of the project, that had been started in 1999 by French EDF Co. and Moshanir Consulting Engineers, completed in 2002.
During 2002 and 2003, tender documents were prepared and executive operation of the project began with cooperation of Iranian contractors such as Farab, Tabliyeh, Kayson, Beta and Mechanic khak. It’s anticipated that this national project will be put into operation in 2011. 

Location and general layout

The location of Siahbishe dam and pump storage project is:
  • 125 kilometer north of Tehran
  • 10 kilometer north of Kandovan tunnel
  • Adjacent to Siah-Bisheh village
Therefore this project is named Siah-Bisheh project.

River specifications

The upstream dam of this project is constructed on Chalus River and the downstream dam is constructed on crossing area of Chalus and Garmrudbar rivers near the village of Verkelo.


  • The first pump storage power plant of Iran
  • The first rock-fill dam with concrete lining in Iran
  • Close distance of the project to Tehran as the biggest consumer of electricity
  • About 20 years of engineering studies by Iranian and foreign consulting engineers
  • Non-dependence on potable and agricultural water
  • Small volume of reservoir and low environmental, economical, social and reservoir damage side effects
In this section the project basic information is presented in form of following items:
  • Topography
  • Meteorology
  • Hydrology
  • Flood
  • Water quality
  • Sedimentation
  • Planning the water resources
  • Geology
  • Seismicity
  • Dam reservoir




Alborz chain mountains region is divided into two southern and northern parts according to the variable and different structure of geology. Siah-Bishe project is located in north of Alborz chain mountains, in the place of original layers of geology. Considering Kandovan fault, the northern part of the Alborz chain mountains is located in Shemshak Structure.
The main components of this project are the upstream dam reservoir and related structures, water tunnels, surging tanks and first part of pressure shafts; which are located within the area of Main Trust Fault. The said parts are all located in Shemshak structure. Generally this part includes shill, sediments and sandstones.
Other parts of the project such as downstream part of the leaning shafts, power house cavern, transformer cavern, bottom outlet tunnels, downstream dam and other related structure are located in continuity of Rootar and Dorood rivers and include limestone with different compositions of sandstones, shill and  copper igneous stones.


Siahbishe project is located in northern Alborz mountain area and is situated in 125 kilometers north of Tehran with winter and summery climate. Weather condition of this area is affected by high altitude of the region, seasonal winds and downpours (rain, snow and hail).
Intense winters and snowfalls in second half of the third season of the year causes severe working and transportation conditions in this area. In the following table the maximum and minimum temperature degrees are shown in the upstream and downstream dam areas.


Temperature degree

Downstream dam

Upstream dam


+ 25

+ 34.5


- 18

- 27


Average annual temperature in upstream dam area is equal to 7c and in downstream dam area is equal to 9c.


With increasing altitude, generally downpours increase. Measuring downpours rate is a hard task due to dispersion of the catchment area and different distances of pluviometer stations.
In project area, maximum amount of downpours happen between February and March to May and June; that is 300 mm.
Average inflow discharge of downstream dam reservoir is estimated 67.1 m3/s. Outflow discharge of upstream dam is divided into two catchment areas. Differences of average downpours between Gramroodbar river (annually 400 mm for downstream part of the catchment area) and north of Kandovan (annually 950 mm for upstream part of the catchment area) would affect the current features.
Average of inflow discharge of upstream and downstream dams’ reservoir


Area of catchment

Inflow current in 1990 to 1991

Average of inflow current

Downstream reservoir

93.8 hecto m2

23.6 hecto m3 annually

49.2 hecto m3 annually

Upstream reservoir

19.3 hecto m2

6.5 hecto m3 annually

13.5 hecto m3 annually



The amount of flood for return period of 1000 years
in downstream and upstream reservoir


 Average daily outflow discharge

Maximum outflow discharge

Downstream reservoir

120 m3/s

240 m3/s

Upstream reservoir

38 m3/s

76 m3/s

The amount of flood for return period of 10000 years
in downstream and upstream reservoir


 Average daily outflow discharge

Maximum outflow discharge

Downstream reservoir

165 m3/s

330 m3/s

Upstream reservoir

53 m3/s

106 m3/s

Flood amount of diversion systems of upstream and downstream dams

Maximum 20 year flood

Maximum 100 year flood

The results of the year 1983 with the return period of 20 years

Downstream reservoir

74 m3/s

1415 m3/s

360 m3/s

Upstream reservoir

24 m3/s

45 m3/s

80 m3/s


Maximum discharge with the return period of 10000 years



Downstream reservoir

330 m3/s

910 m3/s


Upstream reservoir

106 m3/s

190 m3/s



Water quality

Average suspended particles within Alborz mountains area is altering considerably and is within an approximate range of 300 ton/year/km2 to 200 ton/year/km2.
On the basis of carried out measurements near the area of downstream dam (Chalus river in Zoghal bridge and Karaj dam), total amount of sediments are almost 750 ton/Year/Km2.
Carried out estimation by the Lahmeyer-Moshanir J/V shows an amount of 1.09 ton/m3 for dried weight of settled sediments (10% sand, 45% slime, and 45% clay).



Annual average of sediment erosion in upstream reservoir is 1118 ton/km2 and in downstream reservoir is estimated to be 660 ton/km2. These results show that annual estimated erosion in upstream catchment area is 170% more than downstream catchmnet area.



Planning the water resources

According to the nature of pump storage dams, always a definite volume of water dislocate between upstream and downstream reservoirs. The important issues related to water resource planning in water filling and operation periods of such projects can be generally as follows:
1- Water filling period:
In this period generally the upstream reservoir is filled up to the maximum operation level and it is necessary to fill the downstream reservoir to the minimum operation level. Also the water rights and environmental issues of the mentioned reservoir downstream should be considered.
2- Operation period
In this period, parts of daily outflow of the river which is surplus to the upstream reservoir profitable volume, would be used in power generation system and other parts would be released for the minimum needed water rights of downstream area in the river. Also in downstream reservoirs, releasing the compulsory surplus water which is from upstream reservoir and releasing the inflow of downstream reservoir water from two rivers of Garmrudbar and Chalus for keeping the reservoir at the minimum operation level and preserving needed empty volume of reservoir are among the important issues.
According to the considerable volume of water surplus, which is evacuated daily through the bottom outlet of downstream reservoir, some arrangements can be considered such as turbine installation in the exit of bottom outlet for optimum use of water. 


Siahbishe project is located in north of Iran, between Tehran and Chalus cities and is situated in northern Alborz mountain domain which is part of the parallel anticline and synclines that form the southern boundary of the Caspian puddle. Siahbishe project is located in 4 kilometer distance of Candovan trust fault which is very important in technical structure of Iran geology.  It devides Alborz chain mountains into two northern and southern parts. In southern part, Karaj Sazand is expanded with Sansenozoic and in its northern part, where Siah-Bisheh project is located; the Sazands of first and second geology periods are expanded.


Some of the important faults of the Siahbishe dam structures are Candovan, Talaghan, northern Alborz, north of Tehran, Caspian and the main fault of the construction area. The biggest earthquake of this zone has been 7.4 in Richter scale and the biggest earthquake resulted from the nearest fault (Candovan) has been 7.2 in Richter scale.
The biggest earthquake velocity which is sustained into the construction area is about 0.59 g horizontal in downstream dam zone and 0.41 g vertical in upstream dam zone.
Achieved velocity for operation base level is equal to 0.25 g horizontal and for maximum design level is equal to 0.34 g horizontal.

Dam reservoir

Temperature degree

Downstream dam

Upstream dam

Minimum operation level

2376 masl

1885.5 masl

Maximum operation level

2407.6 masl

1905.2 masl

Profitable reservoir volume

3642858 m3

3707105 m3

Length of reservoir

1000 m

1100 m







In this section the technical information of the project is presented in form of the following items: 

  • Dam body
  1. Body specifications
  2. Reservoir specifications
  3. Diversion systemInstrumentation
  4. Spillway
  5. Quarries and their specifications
  • Powerhouse
  1. General specifications of powerhouse
  2. Specifications of powerhouse equipments
  3. Specifications of powerhouse building
  4. Specifications of powerhouse outlet tunnels
  5. Specifications of powerhouse waterways
  • Technical specifications of post and switchyard
  • Water transfer tunnels
  1. Specifications of tunnels
  2. Intake structures
  3. Outlet structures
  • Access roads and bridges
  • Complementary operations

Body specifications

Upstream Dam



Dam type

Rock-fill with concrete lining (CFRD)

Height from foundation

82.5 m

Crest length

436 m

Crest width

12 m

Foundation width

280 m

Total volume of the body

1.55 million m3

Total volume of concrete placement

13506 million m3


Downstream Dam



Dam type

Rock-fill with concrete lining (CFRD)

Height from foundation

102 m

Crest length

332 m

Crest width

12 m

Foundation width

360 m

Total volume of the body

2.3 million m3

Total volume of concrete placement

14057 million m3

Reservoir specifications

Upstream Dam



Total volume of reservoir

4344220 m3

Area of reservoir

141.105 km2

Length of dam lake

1000 m

Width of dam lake

400 m

Normal level

+2406.5 m

Downstream Dam



Total volume of reservoir

6874709 m3

Area of reservoir

234.284 km2

Length of dam lake

1100 m

Width of dam lake

1000 m

Normal level

+1905.4 m


Diversion system

Upstream Dam






Right abutment

Excavated diameter after lining

2.95 m

Numbers of diversion tunnels


Volume of open-cut excavation


Length of diversion tunnels

594 m

Volume of underground excavation

3935 m3

Cross section


Discharge capacity

22.9 m3/s

Type of lining


Type, height and volume of upstream cofferdam

5000 m3

Excavation diameter of tunnel

2.95 m

Type, height and volume of downstream cofferdam 

Downstream Dam






Right abutment

Excavated diameter after lining

4 m

Numbers of diversion tunnels


Volume of open-cut excavation


Length of diversion tunnels

707 m

Volume of underground excavation

8792 m3

Cross section

U shape

Discharge capacity

32 m3/s

Type of lining


Type, height and volume of upstream cofferdam

15000 m3

Excavation diameter of tunnel

4 m

Type, height and volume of downstream cofferdam 



Upstream Dam



Ross Arm Extensometer (UEX)

Surface Displacement Point
(Full Structure) (USP)

Vertical joint Meter (UJM)

Surface Displacement Point
(Concrete Structure) (UCS)

In Place Inclinometer (UIM)

Vertical Inclinometer & Settlement Measurement (UISM)

Perimeter Joint Meter (UPM)

Hydraulic Settlement Cell (UHS)

Total Pressure Cell (UEP)

Electro Levels (UEL)

Electrical Piezometer (UPP)



Downstream Dam



Ross Arm Extensometer (UEX)

Surface Displacement Point
(Full Structure) (USP)

Vertical joint Meter (UJM)

Surface Displacement Point
(Concrete Structure) (UCS)

In Place Inclinometer (UIM)

Vertical Inclinometer & Settlement Measurement (UISM)

Perimeter Joint Meter (UPM)

Hydraulic Settlement Cell (UHS)

Total Pressure Cell (UEP)

Electro Levels (UEL)

Electrical Piezometer (UPP)




Upstream Dam



Type of spillway

Free staircase


Left abutment

Discharge capacity

203 m3/s

Length of chute

490.3 m

Width of chute

20 m

Downstream Dam



Type of spillway

Free staircase


Left abutment

Discharge capacity

860 m3/s

Length of chute

198.25 m

Width of chute

30 m


Quarries and their specifications

Upstream Dam




Quarry no.1

Volume of exploitable rock

1.981 million m3

Downstream Dam




Quarry no.2

Volume of exploitable rock

0.83 million m3

Quarry no.3

Volume of exploitable rock

1.8 million m3


General specifications of powerhouse



Type of powerhouse

Underground Pump Storage


1040 mw

Average annual generation


Turbine type



 Specifications of powerhouse equipments



Numbers of turbine

4 units

Power of each turbine

260 mw

Maximum output

97 %

Height of turbine design

504 m

Discharge of each unit at manufacturing time

65 m3/s

Discharge of each unit at generation time

50 m3/s

Turbine manufacturer

Foit Siemens Fuji

Numbers and capacity of main transformers

13 by 105 mva

Numbers and capacity of auxiliary transformers

3 by 10 mva

Transforming ratio of main transformers

18 kw/400 kv

Impedance of short circuit

12 to 14 %

Numbers and type of generators

4 units synchronic

Output power of each generator

260 mw

Nominal voltage of each generator

18 kv

Rotation speed of generator

500 rotations per second

Nominal voltage of generator

12500 Ampere

Generator manufacturer


Capacity of emergency generator

1.9 mw

Type of emergency turbine


Cooling system of transformers


Nominal frequency of transformer

50 hertz


 Specifications of powerhouse building

1-Powerhouse cavern:




131 m

34.5 m

46.5 m

2-Transformer cavern:




160 m

13 m

22 m


3-Gates cavern:




79 m

4.5 m

8 m


Specifications of powerhouse outlet tunnels

In this regard no data exists.





Specifications of powerhouse waterways

In this regard no data exists.




Technical specifications of post and switchyard







Numbers of high voltage lines


Voltage level

400 kv

Numbers of intake feeders of XPLE cable



Specifications of tunnels





Cross section


Diameter of each water transfer tunnel

5.7 m diameter of concrete cross section

5 m diameter of metal

cross section

Excavation diameter

6.9 m

Length of left tunnel

2225 m to tank surge

Length of right tunnel

2185 m to tank surge

Lining type of left water transfer tunnel

2040 m concrete lining
185 m metal lining

Lining type of right water transfer tunnel

1985 m concrete lining
197 m metal lining

Water transfer capacity of each tunnel at turbine status

130 m3/s

Water transfer capacity of each tunnel at pumping status

100 m3/s

Diameter if leaning shafts

5 m

Length of each leaning shaft

540 m

Lining type of leaning shafts


Diameter of outlet tunnel

6 m


 Intake structures



Dimensions (m)

Weight (Ton)

Emergency intake gates

2 series
2 pieces

5.1 by 5.4


Fixing gates

1 series
3 pieces

5.2 by 5.4


Trash racks

2 series

10 by 14



Outlet structures




Dimensions (m)

Weight (Ton)

Emergency outlet gates (Bulkhead)

2 series

5.3 by 7.1


Trash racks

2 series

9.5 by 13.6


Access roads and bridges

1- Technical specifications of access roads

Upstream Dam 

Name of the road

Average width (m)

Length (km)

Access road from Chalus road to upstream dam



Access road to bottom outlet from upstream dam crest



Access road to surging tanks through upstream dam crest



Access road to entrance of bottom outlet through upstream dam crest



Access road to intake gates chamber through upstream dam cerst



Downstream Dam

Name of the road

Average width (m)

Length (km)

Access road to Daryabak Complex from Chalus road



Access road to dam crest from Daryabak road



Access road to area of GIS post
This road continues to admin building and then to entrance of main access tunnel
This road is the continuation of access road to dam crest



Connection road between the downstream and upstream dams This road passes near the entrance of main access tunnel and ends to the access road to surging tank of upstream dam



Access road to AGC



Access road to NAG



Access road to middle access gallery to pressure shafts (Intermediate Adit)



Access road to surging tanks



Access road to substitute chamber in waterways



Access roads to consultant and client offices



Access road to contractor office (Joint B)



Access road to entrance of bottom outlet through downstream dam crest



Access road to exit of bottom outlet through downstream dam crest

2- Technical specifications of the bridges

Name of the bridge

Width (m)

Length (m)

Type of structure

The bridge on chute of upstream dam



Metal with concrete lining (Composite)

The bridge on chute of downstream dam



Metal with concrete lining (Composite)

The bridge on Garmrudbar river



Metal with concrete lining (Composite)


Complementary operations

In this regard no data exists.


    Post Address

  • Post Address : No.3.BIDAR st. AFRICA junction, MODDARES Exp,Way TEHRAN - Post Code: 19649-13581, IRAN
  • Phone : +98 (21) 27823113
  • Fax : +98 (21) 26213732
  • e-Mail :