Projects at One Glance

IWPCo was established in 1989, aiming to make use of the numerous potentialities in producing hydropower energy & developing facilities for water supply, conveyance and storage.
For playing this major role, IWPCo has integrated the decisions in different fields such as development of hydropower structures and installations, cooperation in executive management of projects, increasing national potentialities by development of non-governmental Engineering & executive sections and ultimate improvement in management of water and electricity , industry of the country.
IWPCo has constructed and operated more than 4 powerhouses with the capacity of about 3200 MW, having 7 powerplant projects under construction with capacity of 7000 MW to be connected to national electricity network by the end of 4th national development plan.
Other power plants with capacity over 16000 MW, are under studies.












Masjed Soleiman Dam

The project is located in Khuzestan Province at Km. 160 N-E of Ahwaz, across the Karun river. This dam is One of the highest rock-fill dams in Iran. The highest radial gates of the world with 23.5 m. of height has been installed in this dam.


General Objectives and Characteristics of the Project

  • Increase of existing hydropower generation potentials in the country by 2000
  • Supply a part of the peak load of the network Dam Specification
  • Dam Type: rock-fill with vertical clay core
  • Height above foundation: 177 m.
  • Crest length: 497 m.
  • Crest width: 15 m.
  • Max. foundation width:780m.
  • Total volume of reservoir: 228 million m3


Spillway Specification

Type: gated chute
Discharge capacity: 21700 m3/s


Power Plant Specification

Type: Underground
Capacity:1000 MW, phase I,1000 MW, Extension Phase (8x250MW in total)
Average annual generation : 3700 GWH 



Karkheh Dam

Karkheh dam constructed across Karkheh River, located at Km. 21 of N-E Andimeshk in Khuzestan Province. Karkheh is the biggest in Iran for its earth-fill dam body volume, the first dam designed and made by the Iranian, having 60 Km2, the widest artificial lake in the country.


General Objectives and Characteristics of the Project

  • Water supply & control for irrigation of 340,000 acres of
  •  downstream lands
  • Control of devastating floods and prevent from relevent
  • damages
  • Hydropower generation
  • Dam Type: earth-fill with clay core
  • Height above foundation: 127 m.
  • Crest length: 3030 m.
  • Crest width: 12 m.
  • Foundation width: 1100 m.
  • Total volume of reservoir: 7.3 billion m3


Spillway Specification

Type: gated chute ogee
Discharge capacity: 18260 m3/s


Power Plant Specification

Average annual generation: 934 GWH
Type: Surface
Capacity: 3x133.3 MW


Karun(III) Dam

Karun (3) dam is located at Km. 28 from Izeh city, in N-E of Khuzestan Province, across the Karun River. It is the highest concrete dam in Iran now.
After impounding the reservoir of Karun (3) dam and road disconnection of two provinces of Khuzestan and Chahar Mohal-e-Bakhtiari, two bridges were constructed on the reservoir of Karun (3) with 336 & 214 m. of span length to reconnect the roads.


General Objectives and Characteristics of the Project

  • Control of Seasonal floods of Karun River
  • Increase water control for agricultural and drinking purposes
  • Hydropower generation


Dam Specification

Dam Type: Double curvature arch concrete dam
Height above foundation: 205 m
Crest length: 462 m
Crest width: 5.5 m
Foundation width: 29.5 m
Total volume of reservoir: 3 billion m3


Spillway Specification

Type: 3 types of ogee-gated-free
Discharge capacity: 13300 m3/s


Power Plant Specification

Type: Underground
Capacity: 2000 MW
Average annual
generation: 4170 GWH



Gotvand Dam

Gotvand Dam and HEPP is located at 25.Km to Shustar town and near Gotvand city, gotvand

dam and HEPP is under construction across karun river at the downstream of godar-e-landerdam.

Gotvand is the second largest earth-fill dam in Iran, after Karkheh.


General Objectives and Characteristics of the Project

  • Hydropower generation
  • Control of seasonal floods of Karun River & discharged
  • water of upper dams
  • Control of agricultural downstream water
  • Tourism attraction


Dam Specification

Dam Type: rock-fill with clay core

Height above the foundation: 180 m

Crest length: 740 m

Crest width: 15 m

Total volume of reservoir: 4.5 billion m3


Spillway Specification

Type: gated chute ogee

Discharge capacity: 6500 m3/s


Power Plant Specification

Type: Surface

Capacity: 1000 MW, phase I;1000 MW, Extension Phase

(8*250MW in total)

Average annual generation: 4250 GWH


Karun(IV) Dam

Located at Km. 180, S-W of Shahr-e-Kord city in Chahar-Mohal-e-Bakhtiari Province. Karun(4) is the highest under-constraction dam in Iran with the height of 230 m.


General Objectives and Characteristics of the Project

  • Water Control of the Karun River up to 3.7 billion m3 in year
  • Control of devastating floods of Karun River
  • Hydropower generation


Dam Specification

Dam Type: Double curvature arch concrete dam
Height above foundation: 230 m
Crest length: 440 m
Crest width: 7 m
Volume of reservoir: 2.2 billion m3


Spillway Specification

Type: 5 free spillways for the first and for 3 gated spillways the second
Discharge capacity of spillways with one bottom outlet: 9200 m3/s
Bottom outlet: two units at elevation of +900


Power Plant Specification

Type: Surface
Capacity: 1000 MW (4x250MW)
Average annual generation: 2107 GWH



Seymareh Dam 

Seymareh Dam & Power plant is under construction across Seymareh River, located at km 37 N-W of Dareh-shahr town.

Dam Specification

Dam Type: Double curvature concrete arch dam
Height above foundation: 180 m
Maximum foundation width: 28 m
Crest length: 202 m
Crest width: 6 m
Total volume of reservoir: 3215 million m3


Spillway Specification

Type: gated radial
Discharge capacity: 6000 m3/5763
Number of gates: 2 unites


Power Plant Specification

Type: surface
Power generation capacity: 480 MW
Average annual generation: 850GWH



Siahbisheh Dam

Siahbishe project is located at km 125 north of Tehran and km 10 north of Kandovan tunnel on Chalus River. This project has two upper and lower dams Whenever the electrical consumption is less than generated energy, the stored water in the lower dam is pumped to the upper dam, to be used during peak hours of energy consumption. As in a normal hydro Power Plant, the turbines of this Power plant generate electricity using the stored water in upper reservoir.


General Objectives and Characteristics of the Project

  • Making balance in power consumption of the national network during peak and light load hours.
  • Hydropower generation during peak load hours with a capacity of 1040 MW.
  • Consumption of 960 MW of electric energy during light load hours.
  • Reduction of depreciation costs of thermal power plants up to USD 19 million in year.




Dams SpecificationUpper Dam

Dam Type: rock-fill with concrete face

Height: 86.5 m.

Crest length: 497 m.

Crest width: 12 m.

Volume of reservoir: 3.6 million m3

Type of spillway: free stepped spillway

Discharge capacity: 203m3/s


Lower Dam

Dam Type: rock-fill with concrete face

Height: 104 m.

Crest length: 330 m.

Crest width: 12 m.

Volume of reservoir:

3.7 million m3

Type of spillway:

free stepped spillway

Discharge capacity:


Power Plant Specification

Type: Underground

Power generation capacity: 1040 MW

Power consumption capacity: 960 MW


Roudbar e Lorestan Dam

Located at Km. 100 south of Aligoudarz city in Lorestan Province.


General Objectives and Characteristics of the Project

  • Roudbar-e-Lorestan Dam & Power plant is under construction across Roudbar River.
  • Utilizing topographic potentialities of the region for hydro power generation from Rudbar River and Alkan River.


Dam Specification

Dam Type: Roller compacted concrete
Height above foundation: 158 m.
Crest length: 211m.
Crest width: 8m.
Total volume of reservoir: 228 million m3


Spillway Specification

Type: Free-stepped and chute gated spillway
Discharge capacity: 2900 m3/s.


Power Plant Specification

Type: surface
Installed capacity:450 MW
Average annual generation : 986 GWH




Electric Power Plants

Parallel to construction of large hydro power plants such as Karun3, Masjed soleiman and Karkheh; IWPCo has started construction of small and medium sized hydro power plants and development of run-off-river Power plants; based on country wide potentialities by using of modern methods.
Having unique specifications of run-off-river type Power Plants such as:

  • short time for construction
  • having less environmental problem
  • having reasonable economic aspects
  • having numerous potentialities all over the country
  • being appropriate for transferring know-how and technology
  • being appropriate for investment by private sector made them

attractive to be considered for investment.


Projects in operation

Name Capacity and location
Pol-Kolu 4 4 MW (Kohgiluyeh & Boyer-Ahmad province)
Kouhrang 35 MW (Chahar Mohal-va-Bakhtiari province)
Dareh Takht (1) & (2) Micro plants 1.58 MW (Lorestan province)
Micro Hydropower Plants 227 Kw (Provinces of Gillan, Ardabil,
Khorasan Razavi) (Nav-Maran-Darjan-Karnagh-Gorni)









Projects under construction

Name Capacity and location
Lavarak underground Project 47 MW (Tehran province)
Yasouj chain Project Shahid Rajaee dam &  10.3 MW (KohKiluyeh & Boyer Ahmad province)
Power plant 13.5 MW (Mazandaran Province)
Pinan 7.2 MW (at tender) (Kermanshah Province)



Name Capacity and location
Dez-regulation dam 28 MW (Khuzestan Province)
Tarrik (Sefidrood) 2.8 MW(Gilan Province)
Zayandehrood 8.5 MW (Isfahan Province)
Kohgiluyeh & Boyer 1 135 MW
Ardal package 20.76 MW (Chahar Mohal-e-Bakhtiari)
Yasouj development 4.5 MW (Kohgiluyeh& Boyer Ahmad)






















Bakhtiary Dam

Bakhtiary dam and power plant will be constructed at the north part of Bakhiary river in Lorestan Proveince. With the height of 315m. it would be the highest dam in the world after construction.


General Objectives and Characteristics of the Project

  • Hydropower generation
  • Increasing useful life time of Dez dam and Hpp by blocking sediments pouring into Dez reservoir
  • Control of devastating floods and prevention of annual destruction and contributing to secure situation in down stream


Power Plant Specification

Type: Underground
Capacity: 1500 MW
Annual generation average: 2984 GWH


Dam Specification

Dam Type: Double curvature arch concrete dam
Volume of reservoir: 4.8 billion m3 Maximum foundation
width: 50 m.
Crest length: 434 m.
Crest width: 6 m.
Height above foundation: 315 m.


Spillway Specification

Type: tunnel gated
Discharge capacity: 5700 m3/s.



Projects under studies

Aiming to fulfill IWPCo objectives, "Technical and planning deputy" and "Development Projects" are developing hydropower potentialities using three methods of dam construction, i.e. storage, run-off-the river and pumped storage as well as projects for conveyance of water.
Therefore in all over the country, the rivers and their catchment-areas have been considered for different phases of studies.
More than 24 dam sites (For construction of large Power Plants), about 200 dam sites (for construction of small and medium-sized Power Plants) and several water conveyance directions have been studied for reconnaissance, feasibility and detailed design studies.
Other project studies such as:

  • GIS software installation,
  • Flood alarm system software installation,
  • Catchment areas studies,
  • Impounding of Karkheh River, etc. are being performed, aiming to serve other projects either under construction or under studies.





“Development Projects”  & “Technical Deputy”  Departments at a Glance 
type of project  Study Phase Name of Project Capacity (MW) Note
Storage Dam  Reconnaissance  Qezel ozan basin 1055 The capacity figures in this phase are approximate.
  Zohreh basin 250  
  Garsha-Godar peer 220  
Phase 1 Zalaky  470   
  Liroo  340   
  Khersan 2 580   
  Khersan 1 390   
  Bazoft  240   
  Kooran buzan 280   
  Sar dasht 150  
Phase 2 Khersan 3 300   
  Bakhtiary  1500   
  Sazbon  375  The Previous axis
Run-off-river Dam  Reconnaissance  New sazbon axis 2 300  Run-off the River axis
Medium & small 988  118 units
Phase 1  Arass  270  130 MWs has been considered in Armenia territory
Karun II 1000  The 8th axis with increasing the capacity and in run-off-river type
Sezar/Dez 800  
Karkheh II 200  
Medium& Small  194 100 units
Phase 2 Nemarostagh 31.4 Chain 2 units
Sard Abroud 18.9  Chain 4 units
Aziz abad-Absard &Douplan 20.8   
Nari  2.5   
Souleh Dakal 15.8   
Ziv keh 14.6   
Pumped storage power plants Reconnaissance Whole country 5000  In reconnaissance phase at least 15000 MWs have been studied
and 5000 MWs would be selected as maybe needed in network.
Phase 1 Illam  1000  
Water Transmission Phase 1 Tangeh mashooreh 166  
Project studies        9 Projects


    Post Address

  • Post Address : No.3.BIDAR st. AFRICA junction, MODDARES Exp,Way TEHRAN - Post Code: 19649-13581, IRAN
  • Phone : +98 (21) 27823113
  • Fax : +98 (21) 26213732
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