In this section the project is introduced in the form of following items:
-Specifications of Karun 4 Dam and Hydroelectric Power Plant
- Targets
- History and background of the project
- Location and general layout of project
- River specifications
- Features
-Specifications of dam project and specifications of the substitute roads and displacing Karun 3 & 4 gas and oil pipelines
- Targets
- History and background
- Location and general layout
- River specifications
- Features
Specifications of Karun 4 Dam and Hydroelectric Power Plant
- Regulation of Karun River water with the discharge of 3.7 billion m3/year
- Controlling destructive floods and overflows of Karun River
- Generating hydroelectric energy of about 2107 billion kw/h
History and background
The preliminary studies of Karun 4 Project were carried out in 1967 in the frameworks of water resources development project and general planning of Karun River catchment area resources by Harza International Consultant. The contract of first and second phases of project studies, which is concluded between Mahab Qods Consulting Engineers and IWPC, is in its final stage. It should be mentioned that due to complexity of the project during second phase studies, the French Company of Koine Bleiye has also supervised and approved the project studies as the assistant company.
Location and general layout
Location & general layout of project Karun 4 reservoir dam is located in Charmahal & Bakhtyari Province with 180 kilometer distance to south-west of Shahrekord City and 4 kilometer distance to downstream of Armand and Bazoft Rivers conjunction.
River specifications
Karun River is the most watery and the longest river of Iran which originates from Zagros Chain Mountains. In downstream of Gatvand diversion dyke this river enters into Khuzestan Plain and finally joins Persian Gulf. In recent decades electricity generation potential of this river is highly taken into consideration and expanded efforts are carried out for actualization of this potential. One of these efforts is construction the Karun Dams Series for controlling floods of this river and generating hydroelectric energy.
- The first dam on Karun River
- The highest concrete dam under constructions
Specifications of dam project and specifications of the substitute roads and displacing Karun 3 & 4 gas and oil pipelines
With construction of Karun 4 Dam, part of Esfahan connective roads toward Khuzestan and also existing oil pipelines will go under water, therfore construction of the substitute roads in Esfahan-Shahrkord-Izeh-Ahwaz and Isfahan-Broojen- Lordegan axis and displacement of gas and oil pipelines are considered as one of the targets of this Project.
History and background
History & background of the project Topographies of substitute roads was approved in 1996 by Ministry of Roads and Transportation and construction of some parts of them (such as the second phase of Manj-Bidale main road and Sharekord-Ahwaz axis) was handed over to Ministry of Energy.
Location and general layout
Karun 4 substitute roads are located in Charmahal & Bakhtyari Province in Lordegan City and part of this project also includes Karun 3 substitute roads in Khuzestan Province. The mentioned oil pipelines are also located within the boundary of Karun 4 Dam in Charmahal & Bakhtyari Province.
River specifications
The rivers located in the boundary of the project, which are cut by substitute roads, are Armand, Bazaft and Manj Rivers. They all originate from Zagros Chain Mountains.
- The first phase includes second part of Manj-Bidaleh road with the length of 5.5 km
- The second phase includes Shahrekord-Izeh substitute road with the length of 16 km