Irrigation and drainage network of Chamshir

  • Introducing the plan
  • Basic Information
  • Technical Information
In this section the project is introduced in form of following items:
  • Targets
  • History and background
  • Location and general layout
  • River specifications
  • Specifications of catchmnet area
  • Subsequent objections
  • Features


The utilization of the allocated water for agricultural purposes of Bushehr Province land on the Liravi Plain is the main objective of the project and the secondary objective is to produce hydroelectric power. Generally, on the basis of the allocated water, a portion of water released by Chamshir Dam is diverted by a regulating-diversion dam and through a transmission system (including tunnel and pipeline systems) will be transmitted to the power plant and finally irrigation and drainage network.

History and background

The feasibility stage of the irrigation and drainage network of Chamshir project was started from 1995 and approved by previous client, Fars, Bushehr and Kohgilooyeh Regional Company in 2005. Afterward, the detail design studies completed and approved at 2012 and approved by current client, Iran Water and Power resources Development Company. It is noted that, while operating of this national project is achieved, more than 36,000 hectares of high potentially south land of the country will be cultivated and irrigated. Economical, social, political and cultural benefits of this project will boost the whole region and certainly the country.

Location and general layout

Irrigation and drainage network of Chamshir project contains several components such as diversion-regulating dam, tunnel, pipeline systems, hydroelectric power plant and irrigation-drainage canals which make it completely different from other national civil projects. Chamshir diversion-regulating dam is located at 70km downstream of Chamshir Dam, over the Zohreh River before the confluence of Zohreh and Kheirabad River, in Khuzestan Province. Chamshir diversion-regulating dam will transmit water to the lands of Deilam and Ganaveh in Bushehr Province by means of tunnel, pipelines system and irrigation and drainage canals.

River specifications

Zohreh River is one of the rivers in the Hendijan-Jarahi catchment. This catchment with 40788 square kilometer area has many sub-basins. Zohreh River catchment has been located in the south of Iran nearby to Maron and Jarahi basin, Karoon and Kor basin and watercourses of Deilam and Ganaveh from north, east and south respectively.Ardakan (in Fars Province), Poldasht-e-NorAbad, Dogonbadan, Hendijan and Dehdasht cities are situated in this catchment. Area of Zohreh River catchment is about 15460 square kilometer including mountain regions and foothills and plain regions with an area of 10600 and 4860 square kilometers area, respectively. This river is composed of two main branches, Fahlian and Kheirabad. The first branch of this river is known as Ardakan at the beginning and then renames to Fahlian. Another branch of this river is called Shirin or Kheirabad and originated from the altitudes of Gachsaran and connected to the Zohreh River at a place called Heidar-e-Karrar. The mean annual river discharge of Fahlian River at Gachsaran hydrometric station and discharge of the Kheirabad River at Kheirabad Bridge is about 64 and 25 cubic meters per second, respectively. The total discharge of Zohreh (Hendijan) basin at Dehmolla hydrometric station has been estimated about 83 cubic meters per second.

Specifications of catchmnet area

Geographically, the study area is located at the range of 50˚ 17´ to 50˚ 55´ of east longitude and 30˚ 01´ to 30˚ 20´ of north latitude. In another word, the aforementioned area is a mid-catchment locating between Chamshir dam and diversion-regulating dam which discharged to Persian Gulf and Zohreh is the name of main river.

Subsequent objections

Due to the dry farming and husbandry are the main revenue sources and employment of the inhabitants, in the study area. Therefore, controlling, storaging, convoying and injecting water (which discharged to Persian Gulf) to this area would have significant influences. In this region, limitation of available water is the main obstacle to the development of agriculture. Water scarcity has caused that crop varieties has been limited to one or maybe two species in agriculture and horticulture lands, respectively. Therefore, the yields can only cover the residential necessities. By date, not only the yield but only the job opportunities are low. So, shifting /changing the region from dry forming to watered lands will cause increasing job rate and prohibiting migration that is the main /fundamental unemployment reason. Allocating sufficient water and portion of lands to cultivate alfalfa and clover, development of the livestock would be possible. It is possible to change the majority of the herd combination from goats and yeanling to sheep and lamb which makes less damage to pastures, by supplying the forage and changing the way of livestock. In addition to direct employment and income generation, growth of agriculture, horticulture and animal husbandry in the region helps to developing the product marketing activities and makes conditions to create small cottage industries in the fields of crops and livestock. Also, flood which destroyed the farms, installations and homes every few years, is prevented by controlling water.


Diversion-Regulating Dam, Transmission System, Power Plant and Irrigation - Drainage Network project of Chamshir has unique characteristics. All of the agricultural lands that will be benefited by this project are located in Bushehr Province and because of water scarcity and limited cultivable land in aforementioned province; this project will create a great revolution in this area. Hydroelectric power plant as a subsequent goal and newly irrigated lands are the coefficient reasons to justify the project economically. The annual transmitting water to specified area would be 514 million cubic meters. One of the exclusive characteristics of this project is the minimum social conflicts during the construction especially over the irrigation-drainage area and certainly in the power plant site, as the lands surrounded are worthless. So, in comparison with the same projects, this project has a higher economical index. Benefit to cost ratio (b/c) of the project, with annual discount rate 10%, is 1.68% and capital recovery factor would be 16.4%, while generating power incomes and without imposing other benefits has been implemented. It’s should be noted that, the irrigation and drainage network of Chamshir project is the first but not the last project in this filed which will be built by Water and Power Resources Development company of Iran.

In this section the project basic information is presented in form of following items:
  • Topography
  • Meteorology
  • Hydrology
  • Flood
  • Water quality
  • Sedimentation
  • Planning the water resources
  • Geology
  • Seismicity
  • Dam reservoir






In the basin of Chamshir Regulating-Diversion dam, maximum, minimum and average elevation are equal to 3705.97 m, 242.39m and 1440.95m, respectively. According to the isoclines maps, average slope of the basin is evaluated about 18.5%.


Geographically, the study area is located at the range of 50˚ 17´ to 50˚ 55´ of east longitude and 30˚ 01´ to 30˚ 20´ of north latitude. In another word, the aforementioned area is a mid-catchment locating between Chamshir Dam and diversion-regulating dam which discharged to Persian Gulf and Zohreh is the main river of this basin. In the aforesaid area, two meteorological stations, Babakalan and Bonepir, with 11 and 8 years statistics respectively and 2 stations of Water Authority, Bonepir and Bibijanabad, with 28 and 45 years statistics are existed. All those stations are rain gauges expect Bibijanabad which is evaporation station. Due to the location of Bibijanabad station and by comparison of quantitative and qualitative statistics of this station with other station inside and outside of the study basin, Bibijanabad was chosen to represent local meteorological parameters. Annual rainfall during the 45 year period in this station is equal to 385.5 mm. Precipitation quantity, in higher and lower rainfall years, are reported about 755.5 mm and 141 mm in 1993-1994 and 1998-1999, respectively. The highest rainfall months of the year are December and February and the lowest ones are June, July, August and September. According to the statistics of representative station, annual temperature in study area is about 23.2 °C. The average monthly temperature for coldest months of the year, in January and February, is equal to 11.8 °C and for hottest month of the year, in August, it is about 34.6 °C. Based on maximum daily temperature recorded during the months of June, July, August and September, the maximum temperature has been reported more than 50 °C. In January and February as the coldest time of the year, the temperature has fallen to 3 degrees below zero. Overall, the study area is located at semi-arid climate.


Physiographic features of the aforesaid mid-catchment are presented in the table below:




940.25 km2


217.47 km

Gravelius coefficient


Equivalent rectangle length

99.26 km

Equivalent rectangular width

9.47 km

Main channel length

91.05 km

Main channel slope


Mean elevation of basin

528.54 m



In order to calculate the flood, the regional analysis and SCS methods are used. Assuming the dam construction, flood of the mid-catchment between the dam and diversion-regulating dam with area of 940.25 km2 has been checked, in which case, after the flood routing at the situation of dam reservoir, amount of flood at dam location must be added to the presented results of basin. Flood design with return periods of 2 to 500 years has been calculated based on rainfall-runoff model.

Return Period (year)



















Water quality

The chemical quality of the water at the diversion-regulating dam location has been estimated based on the Gachsaran quality reagent station on the Zohreh river. Through 429 collected samples from 1967 to 2011, the equivalent mean discharge sample of 45 years (1966 to 2011) at mentioned station and qualitative parameters of this sample is presented in the table below.
Catchment: Mid-Zohreh
River: Zohreh
Station name: Gachsaran (Bibijanabad)
Station Code: 241721002


Yield (m3/s)








Total Anions





Total Cations
























Quantity of sediments in the basin has been calculated according to the Chamshir dam studies, analysis and generalizes the sediment to the study basin and also PSIAC method. In the PSIAC method, role and effect of 9 important parameters on soil erosion and sediment production of the catchment is evaluated. The 9 factors including topography, vegetation, land application , upland soil erosion, channel erosion and sediment transport, surface geology, soil, climate and surface currents. Duo to this method, the weight of sediment in the mid-catchment of Chamshir dam is 1133.98 ton/km2 and total tonnage of sediment at location of Chamshir diversion-regulating dam is estimated 928022 tons per year.

Planning the water resources

Annually, Zohreh river catchment is discharged over 3 billion cubic meters of surface flow into the Persian Gulf. The first branch of the river is called Ardakan (Sheshpir) and then renamed to the Fahlian. Zohreh river after connecting with Kheirabad enters to the Zeidoon plains and then reredirects to the south at south of Aghajary and finally passes through the Hendijan. In the present situation, volume of the annual water passing through the location of diversion-regulating dam, which is located after the Chamshir and Cham-e-bastan dam, approximately is equal to 2041 million cubic meters per year. At the present situation, water right quantity from main branch of the river to location of diversion-regulating dam is related to the drinking water of Sepidan and water rights of Ardakan, Fahlian and Chamshir which totally, is equal to 180 million cubic meters per year. Thus, the total hydro potential of Zohreh river to the location of diversion-regulating dam equals 2221 million cubic meters per year. According to studies performed after the completion of upstream projects such as Chamshir, Cham-e-bastan, Sheshpir and Parsian dams, the total amount of surface flow has crossed at the location of diversion-regulating dam, is estimated over 1853 million cubic meters, from this amount 514 million cubic meters per year are directed to the Leiravi plain in Bushehr province. According to the monthly distribution of water requirement at Leiravi plain, the largest volume of required water is related to April, and is equal to the 72.2 million cubic meters and minimum monthly requirement is related to December and equals 18.04 million cubic meters.


Geologically, the study area that is included the location of diversion-regulating dam, rout of pipeline system, location of hydroelectric power plant and irrigation-drainage network is situated at folded Zagros zone and at the end of littoral plain (Khuzestan). At folded Zagros zone, Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Tertiary sediments with the same slope, high thickness sedimentation and passing the development stage (platform, geosynclines and after orogenic) have become to folded form of nowadays and each of these stages have their own characteristics and sedimentation features.


Based on geological division of Iran, the study area is located in the Zagros tectono-structural units. Tectono-structurally, Zagros folded-faulted belt is divided to some regions. Section of aforementioned area is located in range of high Zagros that is called thrust Zagros or Zagros crushed zone. width of this section of the Zagros is between 10 to 70 km and its length is about 1300 km. This section of the Zagros are included some features like closed anticlines and/or overturn folds with South West direction. Southwestern boundary of this section is constituted by groups of young faults. A mountain folded belt is located at southwestern boundary of aforesaid part of Zagros. Width and length of this belt in Iran is 250 and 1300 km, respectively which continuance of that is traceable in northern Iraq and southern Turkey. Also, this belt is limited to front Zagros fault at southwest. It’s noted that this fault is the southern limit of the Asmari limestone outcrops. According to the seismotectonic map of Iran and the occurred earthquakes, it seems that the project span is seismically active. Based on studies and catalogs of earthquakes, seismic events in the area are basically low depth type.

Dam reservoir

Useful volume, approximate length and average width of diversion-regulating dam reservoir are 3.75 million m3, 4 km and 125.5m, respectively. Normal water level of the lake is 185.8 m from sea level.



In this section the technical information of the project is presented in form of the following items:

  • Dam body
  1. Body specifications
  2. Reservoir specifications
  3. Diversion system
  4. Instrumentation
  5. Quarries and their specifications
  • Powerhouse
  1. General specifications of powerhouse
  2. Specifications of powerhouse equipments
  3. Specifications of powerhouse building
  4. Specifications of powerhouse outlet tunnels
  5. Specifications of powerhouse waterways
  • Technical specifications of post and switchyard
  • Water transfer tunnels
  1. Intake structures
  2. Outlet structures
  3. Access roads and bridges
  • Complementary operations
  • Specifications Irrigation and drainage network of Chamshir

Body specifications



Dam Type


Height From Foundation


Foundation width

31.9 m

Crest length

125.5 m

Crest width

13.2 m

Dam body volume

54800 m3

Reservoir specifications



Total Reservoir Volume

3.75 m3

Reservoir Area

79.8×104 m2

Reservoir Length

4 km (approximately)

Reservoir Width

125.5 m (in average)


185.8 m

Diversion system

Diversion during construction will be done in two stages by constructing an embankment which its length and maximum height are 400m and 7m, respectively. The designed discharge is about 1500 m3.





Instrument type


Stress gauge - Piezometer - Strain gauge - Thermometer - Moisture meter

Ground water level

Stress gauge - Piezometer - Strain gauge - Thermometer - Moisture meter

Probability of conglomerates falling

Stress gauge - Piezometer - Strain gauge - Thermometer - Moisture meter

Changing the geotechnical properties 

Stress gauge - Piezometer - Strain gauge - Thermometer - Moisture meter

High overburden and slope

Stress gauge - Piezometer - Strain gauge - Thermometer - Moisture meter

Minimum overburden

Stress gauge - Piezometer - Strain gauge - Thermometer - Moisture meter

Squeezing zone

Accelerograph - Thermometer- Moisture meter (at power plant location)

Probability of landsliding  in portal and its effects on forebay and outlet


Quarries and their specifications

Borrowed sources of Chamshir regulating-diversion dam, transmission tunnel and irrigation-drainage network projects, to provide the materials for concrete are included two sand and gravel source called “Junction of Kheirabad-Zhoreh” and “Sholehzar”. “Junction of Kheirabad-Zhoreh” borrowed source has been located 3 km below Chamshir regulating-diversion dam site. “Sholehzar” borrowed source has been situated at 12 km upstream of the regulating-diversion dam and on the margins of the Gachsaran-Ganaveh road. Another borrowed source of soil has been located on the margins of Sardasht-Zeidoon asphalt road that would use to construct the access road. There are 3 borrowed sources of fine and 3 for coarse graded soil have been identified in irrigation-drainage network region. The coarse ones are Gamaran, Darehgap and Gorbe-e and the fine ones are Kenarkoh, Gavzard and Chahshirin-Malsanan. A limestone borrowed source has been identified for masonry structures, on the route of Zeidoon to Ameri village. It should be noted that, materials for constructing canal embankment are combination of the fine and coarse graded soils of the borrowed sources.

General specifications of powerhouse






17 MW

Annual energy generation

90 GWH

Turbine type

Francis turbine with horizontal axis

Specifications of powerhouse equipments






17 MW


Specifications of powerhouse building

Due to the technical and economical studies, performance reliability of the units and orientation of turbine axis (horizontal or vertical), totally 3 Francis turbines with horizontal axis with 17MW power are introduced for installation capacity of Chamshir power plant. Chamshir power plant of diversion-regulating dam with 3 units of Francis turbine with horizontal axis contains the following parts:

  1. Machinery Saloon
  2. MV Room
  3. Control Room
  4. PLC Room
  5. Diesel Room
  6. Battery Room
  7. Tailrace
  8. Bypass system
  9. Storage
  10. Workshop
  11. Cable Room
  12. Ax. Transformer
  13. Yard Area
  14. Office
  15. Substation

Specifications of powerhouse outlet tunnels

Tailrace of power plant is situated under the machine hall and convoy outlet water from draft tubes to outlet channel by 3 channels. Dimensions of tailrace structure at draft tube position have been design to ensure flowing easily and control required submerged depth. The outlet channels are directed and joined together out of building. Stop-logs have been placed at junction of each channel to outlet basin for separating each unit from others on emergency occasions.
In designed flow rate, the normal tailrace level is 93 which is 2.9m above turbine axis. Invert level at tube draft and at canals intersection are 89 and 91.5, respectively.


Specifications of powerhouse waterways





Tunnel Length

6913 m

Tunnel Type


Excavation Diameter

5.3 m

Finished Diameter


Cover Type


Total excavation volume (in open and closed spaces)

155077 m3

Tunnel Capacity

30 m3/s


Technical specifications of post and switchyard


Power (KW)

Transformator capacity

TBM and ancillary equipment



Segment site



Crusher - Batching and related equipment



Administration and Management Affairs Office


250KVA-33 KV /400V

Facilities and Accommodation Office






Intake structures


Diversion- Regulation Dam


Box from Tunnel to Entrance of Forebay


Outlet structures



Hydroelectric Power Plan

Pipeline System (GRP)

Trapezoidal Channel to the beginning of Irrigation and Drainage Network


Access roads and bridges

1- Technical specifications of access roads:

Name of the road

Average width (m)

Length (km)

Total length


14 km (approximately)

Access road to the diversion-regulating dam and access road to entrance and exit of the tunnel are included.
2- Technical specifications of the bridges:



Number of  bridges


3- Technical specifications of access tunnels
This project does not include any access tunnel.

Complementary operations

1-Permanent buildings:
Construction of permanent buildings have been considered as below, to accommodate client and consultant  personals






A two-story building for operation and maintenance 

100 m2


Specifications irrigation and drainage network of Chamshir



Total Area Network (ha)


The total length of the main channel (km)


The total length of the channel (km)


Secondary channel length (km)


The total length of the main drainage (km)


Total length Rhksh grade (km)


The total length of the secondary drainage (km)


The total length of main pipe (km)


The total length of the main half pipe (km)





    Post Address

  • Post Address : No.3.BIDAR st. AFRICA junction, MODDARES Exp,Way TEHRAN - Post Code: 19649-13581, IRAN
  • Phone : +98 (21) 27823113
  • Fax : +98 (21) 26213732
  • e-Mail :